السبت، 30 أبريل 2016

Recognation letter

Welcome all to my blog,

I'm Waleed Salim Alzuhaibe , student at SQU in the college of commerce.I created this blog for educational reasons and help people to know about  the technology in deep.

•Blog outline ! 

This blog consist of many aspect that explain the use of technolgy and the benefits of it. Using technology in our life , agriculture, education, medicne and bank sector were explained in details in previous posts.I hope these posts will widen your gaze in technology . 

•why I choose this topic!

Firstly, l am interested in technology and know about it . Also it is become part of our life.Secondly, I want to identify people about the importance of technology. 

I hope that  you enjoy with this topic.

السبت، 2 أبريل 2016

Tech in agriculture


Technology has played a big role in developing the agricultural industry.  It facilitated the work in this field. Farmer safe money and time by using them. Now a farmer can cultivate on more than 2 acres of land with less labor. The use of planters and harvesters makes the process so easy. In agriculture, time and production are so important; you have to plant in time, harvest in time and deliver to stores in time. Moreover, modern transportation technology facilities help farmers easily transport farm products to their farms, and it also speeds the supply of agricultural products from farms to the markets where consumers get them on a daily basis .Also, use of mobile apps by a farmer to calculate the amount of grass available in the field. 

In addition Cooling facilities using in this field .
These are used buy farmers to deliver tomatoes and other perishable crops to keep them fresh as they transport them to the market. These cooling facilities are installed in food transportation trucks, so crops like tomatoes will stay fresh upon delivery. This is a win-win situation for both the consumers of these agricultural products and the farmers. the consumers gets these products while still fresh and the farmer will sell all their products because the demand will be high.

This saves the farmer time and money, they will know how much is and what to feed their animals. Technology has turned farming into a real business, now farmers have electrified every process, a consumer can place an order directly online, and the product will be transported from the farm to the consumer in time when it’s still fresh.

Reference: http://www.useoftechnology.com/technology-agriculture/

Tech in our life


Over the last two decades, our lives have been slowly taken over by technology. Take a moment to look around you. Every things are change by technology. It became part of us. 90% of our activities are done by technology. A 2013 Pew Research study found “94% of jobholders are Internet users.” This includes full-time, part-time, and freelance workers in technology companies, big corporations, and small businesses, who work in cities, the suburbs, rural America, and everywhere in between.

 Writing letters, sending faxes, or spending hours on the phone. Not anymore .Email is now the primary means of communication in the modern workplace. We are communicating more, faster, and better than ever before. We use the technology all time. The only time we don’t use technology is when we are sleeping.

We use technology in all life . It facilitate our life and make every thing become easy and more interesting .Also, you can do a lot of work in short time with less effort .This video show how technology facilitate our life: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D6rptlK39aI.
Reference: Gebski, T. (2015). How Does Technology Impact Your Daily Life?. [online] Mobile Workforce Management Solutions | Motus (CRS Inc). Available at: http://www.motus.com/how-does-technology-impact-your-daily-life/ [Accessed 2 Apr. 2016].

Tech in bank


There is no doubt that the banks use technology in their transections. Technology makes work in the banks more easy and fast. Emerging technologies have changed the banking industry from paper and branch based banks to ”digitized and networked banking services. Unlike before, broadband internet is cheap and it makes the transfer of data easy and first. Technology has changed the accounting and management system of all banks. And it is now changing the way how banks are delivering services to their customers.


·         Plastic money:  Credit cards or smart cards like ‘’VISA ELECTRON’’ have made the banking industry more flexible than before. With a credit card , a customer can borrow a specific amount of money from the bank to purchase any thing and the bank bills them later.

  • Remote banking: Banks have installed ATM machines in various areas; this means a customer does not have to go to the main branch to make transactions. This facility has also enabled anytime banking, because customers can use ATM machines to deposit money on their accounts

Reference :Ramey, K. (2012). The Role of Technology in Banking Industry - Use of Technology. [online] Use of Technology. Available at: http://www.useoftechnology.com/role-technology-banking-industry/ [Accessed 2 Apr. 2016].


Tech in Medicne


Technology has had a great impact on society when it comes to medicine. It develop the ways of treat and doing surgery. Technology has also helped medicine with the use of robots. These robots help doctors in doing their operations and also they monitor their work to eliminate the human errors .

For example, Magnetic Microbots are a group of tiny robots used in various operations, such as removing plaque from a patient's arteries or helping with ocular conditions and disease screenings. Other robotic advancements are used to better the day-to-day lives of patients, helping them eat, like the Bestic Arm, or helping a patient regain her ability to walk, like many of Toyota's Healthcare Assistants.

  Technology in terms of medicine has also increased the life expectancy of the average person. With new technological advancements in surgeries, medicines and treatments the average life expectancy is still on the increase. A recent study shows that the average life span for 2004 of a United States Citizen is 77.4 years old. This has increased significantly from 1900 where the average lifespan for a male was 48.2 and for the female 51.5. Thanks to technology we can now live longer. This technology would help society in many ways if the government would permit it. People who could never see in their life would now be able to grow a new eye. This is just one example of what could be done with this new medical technology.
  Reference :123helpme.com. (2016). Technology and Medicine :: Exploratory Essays. [online] Available at: http://www.123helpme.com/view.asp?id=27669 [Accessed 2 Apr. 2016].

Tech in Education


Technology is basic tool  to improve productivity in learning and teaching. It consider important thing for facilitate teaching and learning  in 21 century. It used in classrooms for help teachers and students.Digital learning tools for example, computers and hand held devices available in classrooms 24 hours a day 7 days a week to support learning. also technology  used in contact between students and teachers for instance ,model links. Model links aim to improve personal learning by follow up by teachers.

Online learning  also used to increase productivity in education By rise rate of teaching, decreasing costs of learning materials or program delivery and better for teachers . The online service now become more popular in all kind of educational entity. Also this service provide some learning entertainment that help students to learn easy.

In addition, there are more than just learning in online service . the student can register their courses on line and choose their teacher as well. And they can contact with their teacher and with each other by E mail.Technology make the learning more easy and interesting than before. 


Reference: Ed.gov. (2016). Use of Technology in Teaching and Learning | U.S. Department of Education. [online] Available at: http://www.ed.gov/oii-news/use-technology-teaching-and-learning [Accessed 2 Apr. 2016].